11 - 31000
24 - 10950
311 - 30920
431 - 50900



  • ₦900.00

  • In Stock

Buy NABTEB Result checker online: This allows students to buy them anytime, anywhere, without the constraints of physical location or working hours. This accessibility is particularly beneficial for students and professionals with busy schedules.
Time-saving: Online buying of nabteb result checker eliminate the need for physical travel and waiting in long queues, saving valuable time. The process can be completed within minutes, enabling individuals to focus on their studies or work.
Instant Delivery: Buying NABTEB scratch cards online ensures instant access to the card's unique PIN, eliminating the need to wait for physical delivery. This allows individuals to commence their registration or examination process promptly.

PAYSTACK charges extra N100 if the total amount is N2500 or more. But FLUTTERWAVE is free.

  1. Visit
  2. Select the Type of Examination
  3. Enter the 4 digits of your Examination Year e.g. 2002
  4. Enter the Card Serial Number
  5. Enter the 12-digit PIN of your card eg. 012345678912
  6. Click Submit and wait for the results window to come up

Buy nabteb scratch card

NABTEB scratch cards can be purchased from authorized vendors such as banks, cyber cafes, bookshops, and accredited online platforms. It's crucial to ensure that you are buying from a legitimate source to avoid any fraudulent activities. Myexampin is an authorized vendor for the sale of Nabteb Scratch Card.

Following payment, applicants receive the NABTEB scratch card either physically or digitally, depending on the chosen outlet. Physical cards come with a protective covering that conceals a unique PIN, while digital transactions provide the PIN electronically. This PIN serves as the gateway to accessing NABTEB's online services.

Where to buy nabteb scratch card online

The use of NABTEB scratch cards enables students to access their examination results instantly. With a simple registration and result checking process, students can quickly obtain their grades, analyze their performance, and plan their future educational endeavors accordingly.

Upon identifying a credible outlet, prospective candidates can proceed to make payment for the scratch card. The cost of the scratch card may vary depending on factors such as location and prevailing market conditions. Typically, the price is affordable, making it accessible to a wide range of applicants.

Where to buy nabteb result checker online

To purchase a NABTEB result checker online, candidates must first visit the official myexampin website, which serves as a secure platform for procuring examination-related materials.

How can I buy a Nabteb scratch card online?

Visit Myexampin Official Website: To buy a NABTEB scratch card online, candidates need to visit the official NABTEB website, which provides a secure platform for purchasing examination materials.
Payment:Candidates can proceed to make payment for the desired NABTEB scratch card using the available online.

payment methods, which may include debit/credit cards, online banking, or transfer options.
Receive Scratch Card Details: After successful payment, candidates will receive the NABTEB scratch card details, including a unique PIN and serial number, through their registered email or on the portal itself.

How much is the NABTEB result PIN?

The price of nabteb of nabteb result pin is N1,000. We sell genuine NABTEB Scratch at affordable price of N1,000 only.

How can I buy nabteb result checker online

Your results are personal and private, and using a result checker ensures that only you have access to them. This helps maintain the confidentiality of your academic records.
By promptly accessing your NABTEB results, you can make informed decisions about your educational and career path. Whether you are considering higher education, employment opportunities, or further skill development, having your results readily available empowers you to plan for the future.

nabteb result checker pin

Buying a NABTEB result checker pin online involves visiting the official myexampin website, creating an account or logging in, selecting the result checker option, making payment, receiving the checker details, and activating it to access examination results.

The benefits of purchasing NABTEB result checkers online include convenience, instant access to results, secure transactions, and efficient result verification, offering a seamless experience for candidates awaiting their NABTEB examination outcomes.

how do i check my nabteb result on my phone?

Before proceeding to check your NABTEB result on your phone, make sure you have a stable internet connection. You can use either mobile data or Wi-Fi to access the result checking portal.
Open the web browser on your phone and go to the official NABTEB result checking portal. The website URL for NABTEB result checking is

Buy NABTEB result checker online Buy NABTEB scratch card online Buy card to check NABTEB result online How to check NABTEB result Where to buy NABTEB scratch card How much is NABTEB result checker